■■ 中譯本 ■■
In Search of the Medicine Buddha
A Himalayan Journey
A Himalayan Journey
作者:David Crow, L.Ac. 大衛 ‧ 克羅著
出版社: 馬可孛羅
出版社: 馬可孛羅
-- 書籍簡介 --
尼泊爾是個古今融合之地,它交織著粗陋和美麗、疾病和貧窮,以及深奧的知識。一九八七年三月,大衛 ‧ 克羅放下舊金山經營有成的針灸草藥診所,踏上這片反差極大的土地,實際探尋西藏佛教和印度傳統醫學阿育吠陀的醫藥知識。
尼泊爾是個古今融合之地,它交織著粗陋和美麗、疾病和貧窮,以及深奧的知識。一九八七年三月,大衛 ‧ 克羅放下舊金山經營有成的針灸草藥診所,踏上這片反差極大的土地,實際探尋西藏佛教和印度傳統醫學阿育吠陀的醫藥知識。
The Medicine Buddha:
A Himalayan Journey by David Crow
A Himalayan Journey by David Crow
In 1987 David Crow journeyed to Nepal in search of teachings in Tibetan medicine and Buddhist meditation. For the next ten years, he studied with many teachers. Using his newfound knowledge, Crow opened a clinic in Kathmandu and another in a small mountain village, where he treated beggars from the street as well as high abbots of monasteries. This colorful and captivating story interweaves medical teachings with insights into Tibetan Buddhism, evoking the beauty and wonder of a faraway land.